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How can companies measure and reduce their impact on biodiversity?

This event is an LU Land breakfast seminar, organised in collaboration with Mistra BIOPATH.

EU's new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires companies to report on their impact on biodiversity. But how can companies measure their impact to meet the new directives?

William Sidemo Holm och Carla Coelho, both postdocs at the Centre for Environmental and Climate Science at Lund University and engaged in Mistra BIOPATH, will discuss the importance of CSRD in the preservation of biodiversity and the challenges associated with measuring the impact of companies on biodiversity.

Sign up here ( seminar held in Swedish)

More information and link to registration is found at this event page in Swedish: LU Land frukostseminarium #27: Hur kan företag mäta och minska sin påverkan på biologisk mångfald? -

As an introduction we recommend to watch BIOPATH film A world that values nature:

23 November

Mäta biologisk mångfald - går det?

9 April

HållBAR: Bidoversitet och Business - vad händer när företagen ska värdera naturen?